Rebel Shiv Sena leader Eknath Shinde has been sworn-in as Chief Minister of Maharashtra, while BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis took over as Deputy Chief Minister. Maharashtra Governor has asked Chief Minister Shinde to prove majority of his government in the state assembly tomorrow. Chief Minister Shinde convened the first cabinet meeting of the new government yesterday. The Cabinet decided to convene a two-day special session of the state legislature on 2nd and 3rd this month. The Speaker of the assembly will also be elected tomorrow. The Cabinet also reviewed the Kharif season, rain water and crop insurance in the state. AIR correspondent reports that Maharashtra Chief Minister EknathShinde in his first cabinet meeting stressed on the importance of taking ahead the developmental works in the state in a fast and efficient manner. Acknowledging Deputy Chief minister Devendra Fadnavis’s experience, Shri Shinde said he is fortunate to have an experienced Deputy Chief Minister like Fadnavis in his team whose presence will ease managing various affairs of the state including the developmental programs. Stressing on the need to pace up various developmental projects, CM said the people's representatives and the administration are like two wheels of a chariot who need to work hand in hand to bring justice to various sections of the society. He underlined on the importance of completing Metro projects, Hindu Hriday Samrat Balasaheb Thackeray Maharashtra Samrudhi Highway as well as important projects of Water Resources Department in a timely manner. In the meeting, which also had the top bureaucrats of the state, CM expressed his belief that the administration would cooperate in his plan to complete the various projects in an efficient and time bound manner.
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