Union Minister of State for Culture Meenakashi Lekhi has launched the 75-day countdown to 75th year of Independence in New Delhi. The programme was held at Central Park in Connaught Place yesterday. On the occasion, Culture Secretary Govind Mohan, Secretary, New Delhi Municipal Council, Isha Khosla and senior Officials of Ministry of Culture and NDMC attended the function along with general public. Speaking on the occasion, Ms Lekhi said, Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav is about celebrating everything which is good in India, everything which every Indian should be proud of and everything which shows unity in the diversity of India. She said, when India completes 75 years of independence freedom fighters who sacrificed their life for independence and also those who contributed to keep India independent should be seen as a guiding light for all of us. She also said, today there is a need to live for the country and work for its development. A huge screen has been set up in the central park that will play the countdown for 75 days till 15th August, this year. The screen will also play stories of unsung heroes of the country. In March last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had launched a 75-week countdown to the 75th year of Independence.
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