Supreme Court has rejected bail plea of Maharashtra minister and NCP leader Nawab Malik in money laundering case. While rejecting the bail petition, a bench of Justices DY Chandrachud and Surya Kant said, the probe is at a nascent stage. The apex court said it will not interfere with the Bombay High Court order of March 15 but Malik can avail the remedy available under the law before the trial court. Senior advocate Kapil Sibal, appearing for Malik, said Enforcement Directorate has arrested him in 2022 for something that happened in 1999. Meanwhile, a special court in Mumbai has extended till May 6 the judicial custody of Nawab Malik in the money-laundering and terror funding case. Enforcement Directorate had arrested Malik on February 23 in the case registered under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act. Malik was produced before special judge R. N. Rokade at the end of his previous jail custody yesterday. The ED on Thursday filed its charge sheet against Malik in the case. The ED's case is based on an FIR filed recently by the National Investigation Agency against Dawood Ibrahim, a designated global terrorist and key 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts accused, and his aides under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. The ED has claimed that Malik was actively involved in "terror funding".
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